Everything at Cozy Comforts is made to be just in time. And just in time you will
enter the NachtCafé, the exclusive club for your kind of experiences. Situated into the
main plaza of our City, the entrance is marked by a little Eros, ready to fire an arrow
to make you feel in love with the place and… with who knows!
Our Bar has the finest spirits and
beers, with of beautiful bartenders
ready to give you the right answer
to your life questions, that goes
from “What time is it now?” to, with
love fire in the eyes, “Can I offer
you a drink?”
So, get lucky or get drunk!
But not only the drinks are fine,
also the furniture presents a great
taste and the promise of a warm
elegant embrace. A piano, a
guitar, relaxing sofas where to
enjoy your staying. And on the
ornate panel, a white pencil writes
in calligraphy your night.
From our cozy seats, there is something you must not lose. Our dancers are on the
poles and on the pedestal to satisfy your eyes and spirit!
Watch for our events at http://cozycomforts.net/category/news/
Come for a visit and bring your friends with you, and mind the step, because that
step is just the one that will lead you to wonder.
Visit us here: