Rentals at Cozy Comforts Euphoria
The furniture can be exchanged with anything you find on our land in copy version.
As a renter you can use all the equipment in the public places including the beach on our quartersim.
Rental Office:

Temple Skybox
Salome design – Roman Hillside Temple in Beach Skybox
150 Linden per week – Equiped with:
DO Palm Deck v1.3 – Adult
Old Sailor’s Sofa 2
Maya’s – Anastasia Fireplace ADULT
Maya’s – Royal Bed
[Ruckus] Let’s Smash Couch V2 neu
Temple Skybox Rental Box
Security Orb Medusa v7.7
City Teleporter
1 plant

Napoleon Room
gold red black Royal Design
150 linden per week – Equiped with:
::RW:: Wicker Round Lounge
Maya’s Armchair Adult
Maya’s – Antonio Iron Bed ADULT
DO Dance Pole
NBN Vintage Officedesk Esmee
plants missing
Lockable Door

Glam Skybox
200 Linden per week – Equiped with:
[AA] Fireplace V3AVS
Debauchery Bordello Swingers Loveseat
Debauchery Bordello Swingers Sofa
Debauchery Chesterfield Swingers Bed
PrimPossible 1 Prim Mesh Piano Adult
Security Orb Medusa v7.7
plants missing

Elegant Room
100 Linden per week – Equiped with:
PrimPossible 1 Prim Infinite Bedroom Adult 300Anims
VRDz Black Lap Dance Chair (MOCAP, BENTO) V24.4 RLV Switch
Herbalist Rug
The President Suite -Sofa-Sits- M/F- F/F -Sex-3 somes
[Ruckus] Let’s Smash Couch V2 neu
Entertainment Center Decoration
1 plant
Lockable Door

Cemetary Roof
150 Linden per week – Equiped with:
~BAZAR~Woodland Sofa ADULT
4 chairs with table
Maya’s – Antonio Iron Bed ADULT
[Ruckus] Let’s Smash Couch V2 neu
Maya’s – Cemetery Fence
Maya’s – Dead Garden

Celestial Skybox
100 Linden per week – Equiped with:
Maya’s – Blue Round Bed with Animations & Props
[Ruckus] Let’s Smash Couch V2 neu
City Teleporter
Celestial Rental Box
Security Orb Medusa v7.7

Castle Room
150 Linden per week – Equiped with:
Cozy Comforts 22 Drinks Giver
– ReACT – Lover’s Table (Serafina)
AMU – SexGen – Canopy Bed – Attention Poseballs!
PrimPossible 1 Prim Corner Sofa Mesh 900 Animations
3 plants, 1 picture
Lockable Door
Woman Skybox
Security Orb Medusa v7.7
Rental Office:
The furniture can be exchanged with anything you find on our land in copy version.
As a renter you can use all the equipment in the public places including the beach on our quartersim.
General Prices:
Stalls 30 linden/week
Gallery 30 – 100 linden/week
Huts 50 linden/week
Shacks 50 linden/week
Tents 50 linden/week
Rooms 50 – 100 linden/week
Roofs 50 – 150 linden/week
Apartments (Flats) 100 linden/week
Chapel 150 linden/week
Shops 150 linden/week
Stores 200 linden/week
Hacienda 200 linden/week
Gardens 200 linden/week
Grotto 250 linden/week
Muscat 250 linden/week
House 250 linden/week